By Paula Iudica
On March 8, women stopped for the second consecutive year within the framework of the International Women's Strike. This year the call was made in more than 70 countries.
The strength and dimensions of the International Women's Strike speak for themselves. What is happening in the world? We women organize and together we empower ourselves. We weave networks that cross borders, because we understand that they are political, not real, and we feel identified with each other beyond our language, ethnicity, religion, social stratum or profession. We are a collective, because we understand that individualism does not lead us anywhere. What happens to one affects us all. We organize, stand and mobilize to transform the world we live in: we want a secure, just and equal future in which all women are free and fully enjoy their rights.
We all stop because we see the world and life in an integral way. Home, family, children, work, institutions, the street are not separate areas. When we suffer some kind of violence, it affects us in all areas of our lives. In our personal development, in our work, in our role as mothers, in our health, in how we perceive ourselves
themselves, in our self-esteem, in how we project our future, in our social life.
All the places that we travel, from the most private, the house, to the most public, the street, represent for us spaces of violence and inequality. Because we suffer violence from our partners, because household chores and caring for our family members fall on our shoulders, and that is unpaid work that prevents us from growing up and having free time. Because more than a third of female workers are precarious, because there is still a wage gap, because we do not have access to justice, because we are underrepresented in the media and because stereotypes harm and limit us. Because we suffer harassment on the street and the victims continue to be blamed in rape cases.
Because our children are victims of the same violence that we suffer in our homes, and when we are impoverished they are also condemned to live poor childhoods.
We stop for the they are gone. The most extreme expression of this violence, femicide, reaches alarming numbers. In our country there is a femicide every 30 hours. Femicides of young girls between the ages of 16 and 20 quadrupled, and the murders of victims between the ages of 11 and 15 tripled. In our region, 12 women are murdered every day for being women. 14 of the 25 countries in the world with the highest rates of femicide are in Latin America.
Women are more than half the world's population and we unite to defend our rights and demand urgent measures to stop the violence. We don't just sit around, we stand and stop. Because we all have the right to live a life without violence.
By Paula Iudica
On March 8, women stopped for the second consecutive year within the framework of the International Women's Strike. This year the call was made in more than 70 countries.
The strength and dimensions of the International Women's Strike speak for themselves. What is happening in the world? We women organize and together we empower ourselves. We weave networks that cross borders, because we understand that they are political, not real, and we feel identified with each other beyond our language, ethnicity, religion, social stratum or profession. We are a collective, because we understand that individualism does not lead us anywhere. What happens to one affects us all. We organize, stand and mobilize to transform the world we live in: we want a secure, just and equal future in which all women are free and fully enjoy their rights.
We all stop because we see the world and life in an integral way. Home, family, children, work, institutions, the street are not separate areas. When we suffer some kind of violence, it affects us in all areas of our lives. In our personal development, in our work, in our role as mothers, in our health, in how we perceive ourselves
themselves, in our self-esteem, in how we project our future, in our social life.
All the places that we travel, from the most private, the house, to the most public, the street, represent for us spaces of violence and inequality. Because we suffer violence from our partners, because household chores and caring for our family members fall on our shoulders, and that is unpaid work that prevents us from growing up and having free time. Because more than a third of female workers are precarious, because there is still a wage gap, because we do not have access to justice, because we are underrepresented in the media and because stereotypes harm and limit us. Because we suffer harassment on the street and the victims continue to be blamed in rape cases.
Because our children are victims of the same violence that we suffer in our homes, and when we are impoverished they are also condemned to live poor childhoods.
We stop for the they are gone. The most extreme expression of this violence, femicide, reaches alarming numbers. In our country there is a femicide every 30 hours. Femicides of young girls between the ages of 16 and 20 quadrupled, and the murders of victims between the ages of 11 and 15 tripled. In our region, 12 women are murdered every day for being women. 14 of the 25 countries in the world with the highest rates of femicide are in Latin America.
Women are more than half the world's population and we unite to defend our rights and demand urgent measures to stop the violence. We don't just sit around, we stand and stop. Because we all have the right to live a life without violence.
(011) 4701 5890
+54 9 11 4940-7973
Monday from 13.00 to 19.00
from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 to 19.00 hs.
Bonpland 723, CABA, Argentina.
Advice, guidance, information and support for women victims of violence.
Attention and orientation to victims of violence. It carries out home interventions with a mobile team in emergency situations and accompaniment in making complaints.
102 - CABA
Information and referrals in situations of mistreatment and sexual abuse of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
Receive complaints of domestic violence 24 hours a day.
Address: Lavalle 1250.
(011) 4701 5890
+54 9 11 4940-7973
Monday from 13.00 to 19.00
from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 to 19.00 hs.
Bonpland 723, CABA, Argentina.
Advice, guidance, information and support for women victims of violence.
Attention and orientation to victims of violence. It carries out home interventions with a mobile team in emergency situations and accompaniment in making complaints.
102 - CABA
Information and referrals in situations of mistreatment and sexual abuse of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
Receive complaints of domestic violence 24 hours a day.
Address: Lavalle 1250.