We develop multiple specialized training activities: quarterly courses, workshops and seminars.
Our goal is to share our learnings and the theoretical framework from which we carry out all our actions, so that professionals, students and all those who work with this issue have the tools and the perspective necessary for an efficient intervention in assisting women and child victims of gender violence and / or child sexual abuse.
We also participate as invited speakers in trainings developed by public entities, universities and other institutions.
04/04 to 11/07 | Virtual Course on "Gender Violence, Comprehensive Approach and Good Practices"
03/07/23 | Awareness talk on the problem of gender violence in AMIA, for the recipients of the institution's Social Service and for those attending the Comprehensive Center for the Elderly.
03/08/23 | Walk organized by Comunidad Dor Jadash and Fundacion Casa Grande within the framework of 8M, where we reflect on gender violence in the Jewish community.
05/11/23 | Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement with AMIA, we held a gender violence prevention workshop for the workers of the Israelita Cemetery in Tablada.
06/14/23 | Film-debate organized by Rabbi Sarina Vitas and Amijai Community.
06/21/23 | Prevention activity on dating violence aimed at adolescents from the Cissab Madrijim School, within the framework of the Human Rights Days.
06/20/23 | Workshop on the prevention of dating violence and masculinities with students of the Colegio de la Ciudad
August-December | Course on "Comprehensive approach to gender violence and the care of professionals", aimed at the team of workers of the Secretariat of Women, Gender and Diversity of the Municipality of Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego.
04/2022 | Professional training course "Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence, Comprehensive Approach and Good Practices"
04/2022 | Prevention talk "I opened the exit door" at the Tarbut school
07/2022 | An awareness talk on the problem of gender violence in Cissab and together with the Mehalev team
07/2022 | Talk organized by Limud at the Arlene Fern School about bullying, violence and action protocols within institutions.
08/2022 | Conversation Protective Mothers
10/2022 | International Conference on Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community
04-07/2021 | Interdisciplinary Course "Gender Violence, Comprehensive Assistance and Good Practices"
04/2021 | Training for VIRTUAL NGA "Gender, power and inequality: consequences in daily life"
05/2021 | Training for VIRTUAL NGA "The visible and hidden faces of gender violence"
05/2021 | VIRTUAL talk with Rabbi Terrab, invitation from the Eshet Jail community
06/2021 | Training for VIRTUAL NGA "Gender violence, beyond physical damage"
07/2021 | Prevention talk campaign "I opened the exit door" with the Dor Jadash community
09/2021 | Training "Effects and impacts of the pandemic" at the Social Observatory
10/2021 | Training "Gender violence and child sexual abuse" at the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary
05/2020 | Online conference "Gender violence and pandemic", organized by the DAIA.
07/2020 | Online Workshop "I opened the Exit Door" organized by the Dor Jadash community of the Murillo Temple
07/2020 | Online Activity Film Club of the Amijai community, film "To take a wife" Gender Violence in the Jewish community
08/2020 | Online Legal Training organized by the Association of Jewish Lawyers of the Argentine Republic
09/2020 | International online training organized by the Jewish Community of Panama "I opened the exit door", gender violence and the experiences of the approach in the Jewish community.
10/2020 | Online talk on the Prevention of Gender Violence within the framework of the Jewish community organized by Eshet Jail
10/2020 | Online workshop at the ORT school within the framework of the ESI conference on "Micromachismos and the cycle of violence."
11/2020 | Online training for professionals "The woman and her moment" the first interview.
11/2020 | Online Training for Madrichim of the Jewish community "How to create a protective institution?"
11/2020 | Online training on gender violence within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women organized by the Bet-Hilel community.
04/2019 - 07/2019 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
05/13/2019 | International Training Conference: "New Approaches in the Treatment of Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence" with international guest Gioconda Batres.
14, 15 and 16/05/2019 | Intensive Training Course: "Therapeutic Model for the Approach to Survivors of Sexual Abuse" with Dr. Gioconda Batres and Lic. Ana María Marín Richmond.
09/2019 - 12/2019 | Intensive Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
09/18/2019 | Talk about Gender Violence in the training space of the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary.
04/2018 - 06/2018 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
06/24/2018 | Youth Dating Violence Prevention Workshop at Sucath David Synagogue.
11/28/2018 | Training day 2018 "Gender Violence, a social, public health and Human Rights problem" in the Memory and Human Rights Space. Speakers from the Shalom Bait team: Dr. Fernanda Tarica, Dr. Diana Rosenhek, Dr. Hebe Klajn, Lic. Ester Siegel. Invited speakers: Dr. Genoveva Cardinali, Dr. Claudia Hasanbegovic, Lic. Sofìa Larré, Lic. Silvia Bignone, Lic. Nancy Mujica.
03/2017 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
10/23/2017 | 15th Study and Reflection Day: Gender Violence.
03/2016 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
04/2015 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
09/2015 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
17, 18 and 19/09/2015 | XII Provincial Conference of the magistracy and the judicial function “Sons and daughters victims of gender violence. Professional role ”.
11/16/2015 | 14th Day of Study and Reflection "Adolescence, courtship and violence".
05/20/2015 | V Professional Updating Course "Intersectorality in the face of complex social problems". II Meeting "Women survivors of the Sexual Abuse of their children."
03/2014 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
09/2014 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
11/05/2014 | 13th Day of Study and Reflection “The multiple forms of re-victimization of boys and girls who are victims of gender violence”.
07/2013 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents.
04/2013 | Interdisciplinary course on gender violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents.
10/03/2013 | 12th Day of Study and Reflection "Gender Violence and Mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents: practices, knowledge and instruments".
10/2013 | Seminars and Training: Gender Violence and Sexual Abuse of Boys and Girls "Strategies to face the obstacles of the system"
05/2012 | Course "Interdisciplinary approach to gender violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents."
10/29/2012 | 10th Day of Study and Reflection "Re-linking" and Gender Violence.
01 and 08/11/2011 | Training in Intervention in cases of Family Violence for the health team of the Municipality of San Martín.
06 and 12/13/2011 | 2nd Training in Intervention in cases of Family Violence for the health team of the Municipality of San Martín.
07/2011 | Interdisciplinary Training Course on Gender Violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents.
08 and 09/2011 | Training Seminars "Gender violence and sexual abuse of daughters and sons"
Speakers: Lic. Graciela Ferreira, Dr. Carlos Rosansky, Lic. Alicia Ganduglia; Lic. Ruth Teubal
01/15/2011 | Inaugural class given by Lic. Ruth Teubal, “The experience of mothers with children who are victims of incest”, in the Master's Degree in Bad Treatment and Gender Violence at UNED (National Distance Education University), Madrid.
05/21/2011 | Closing class by Dr. Fernanda Tarica "Gender violence and the quality of health services", in the Master's Degree in Bad Treatment and Gender Violence at UNED (National Distance Education University). Madrid.
10/27/2011 | 9th Day of study and reflection "Gender violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents, tools for prevention".
07/5/2010 | Seminar "Men before the Exercise of Violence" by Lic. Juan Guillermo Figueroa.
04/24/2010 | Readings in the postgraduate course in Family Violence at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires. Topic: Boys and girls victims of gender violence. Speakers: Dra. Diana Rosenhek and Dra. Fernanda Tarica.
05/03/2010 | Lectured by Dr. Fernanda Tarica and Lic. Ruth Teubal in the postgraduate course on Family Violence at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires. Topic: Boys and girls victims of gender violence.
04/6/2010 | Seminar "Paternities in transformation" by Hugo Huberman.
06/2010 | Training Course "Approaches and intervention in cases of mistreatment of girls and boys"
06/01/2010 | Lectured by Dr. Diana Rosenhek and Dr. Fernanda Tarica in the Introduction to Family Violence Course of the Social Work Career at the University of Buenos Aires.
02/7/2010 | Gender Violence Prevention Seminar "Gender Perspective and Psychoanalysis" by Juan Carlos Volnovich.
08/06/2010 | Seminar "Gender Violence and the media" by Luis María Otero.
8/30/2010 | 8th Day of study and reflection "Girls and boys witnesses, victims of gender violence".
9/2010 | Course "Models and effective tools for the treatment of abused children" by Dr. Diana Rosenhek.
09/24/2010 | Lectured by Dr. Fernanda Tarica and Lic. Ruth Teubal in the Family Violence Course. Topic: Boys and girls witnesses of domestic violence.
10/2010 | Course "The law as a tool for change in interventions as victims of family violence" by Dr. Diana Rosenhek.
21/2010 | Class "Gender violence and child witnesses" in the Pediatric Service of the Bernardo Houssay Hospital.
11/6/2009 | 7th Day of study and reflection “Child sexual abuse. The victim and the linking context ”.
7/2009 | Training course: "Approaches and intervention in cases of mistreatment of girls and boys". Coordinated by Dr. Irene Intebi.
7/2009 | Training course: "Models and effective tools for the treatment of child abuse" Coordinated by Lic. Sandra Baita and Lic. Sandra Moreno.
11/19/2009 | Legal Training Workshop "The scope of civil and criminal jurisdiction against complaints of child sexual abuse and domestic violence."
7/2008 | Training Course: "Approach and intervention in cases of mistreatment of girls and boys".
4/17/2008 | 4th Day of study and reflection "Abusive Relationships in Dating".
7/2008 | 1st Training Workshop on Family Violence “Sexual abuse in childhood. Study of cases". Coordinated by Lic. Patricia Visir.
7/29/2008 | 5th Day of study and reflection “Sexual abuse in childhood. Answers to the most frequent questions ”.
8/2008 | 2nd Training Workshop on Family Violence "Suspicion of Sexual Abuse of Girls and Boys". Study of cases. Coordinated by Dr. Irene Intebi.
10/2008 | Introductory course on Family Violence aimed at I.O.S.E professionals (8 meetings)
11/17/2008 | 6th Day of study and reflection "Approach to battered women and contributions of Victimology".
8/16/2007 | 2nd Day of study and reflection “The forgotten victims of conjugal violence. Children witnesses of
11/29/2007 | 3rd Day of study and reflection “Sexual abuse in childhood. Impact on adult life ”.
11/23/2006 | 1st Day of study and reflection "The law as a tool for change".
We develop multiple specialized training activities: quarterly courses, workshops and seminars.
Our goal is to share our learnings and the theoretical framework from which we carry out all our actions, so that professionals, students and all those who work with this issue have the tools and the perspective necessary for an efficient intervention in assisting women and child victims of gender violence and / or child sexual abuse.
We also participate as invited speakers in trainings developed by public entities, universities and other institutions.
04/2019 - 07/2019 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
05/13/2019 | International Training Conference: "New Approaches in the Treatment of Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence" with international guest Gioconda Batres.
14, 15 and 16/05/2019 | Intensive Training Course: "Therapeutic Model for the Approach to Survivors of Sexual Abuse" with Dr. Gioconda Batres and Lic. Ana María Marín Richmond.
09/2019 - 12/2019 | Intensive Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
09/18/2019 | Talk about Gender Violence in the training space of the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary.
04/2018 - 06/2018 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
06/24/2018 | Youth Dating Violence Prevention Workshop at Sucath David Synagogue.
11/28/2018 | Training day 2018 "Gender Violence, a social, public health and Human Rights problem" in the Memory and Human Rights Space. Speakers from the Shalom Bait team: Dr. Fernanda Tarica, Dr. Diana Rosenhek, Dr. Hebe Klajn, Lic. Ester Siegel. Invited speakers: Dr. Genoveva Cardinali, Dr. Claudia Hasanbegovic, Lic. Sofìa Larré, Lic. Silvia Bignone, Lic. Nancy Mujica.
03/2017 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
10/23/2017 | 15th Study and Reflection Day: Gender Violence.
03/2016 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
04/2015 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
09/2015 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
17, 18 and 19/09/2015 | XII Provincial Conference of the magistracy and the judicial function “Sons and daughters victims of gender violence. Professional role ”.
11/16/2015 | 14th Day of Study and Reflection "Adolescence, courtship and violence".
05/20/2015 | V Professional Updating Course "Intersectorality in the face of complex social problems". II Meeting "Women survivors of the Sexual Abuse of their children."
03/2014 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
09/2014 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and Mistreatment of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
11/05/2014 | 13th Day of Study and Reflection “The multiple forms of re-victimization of boys and girls who are victims of gender violence”.
07/2013 | Interdisciplinary Course on Gender Violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents.
04/2013 | Interdisciplinary course on gender violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents.
10/03/2013 | 12th Day of Study and Reflection "Gender Violence and Mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents: practices, knowledge and instruments".
10/2013 | Seminars and Training: Gender Violence and Sexual Abuse of Boys and Girls "Strategies to face the obstacles of the system"
05/2012 | Course "Interdisciplinary approach to gender violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents."
10/29/2012 | 10th Day of Study and Reflection "Re-linking" and Gender Violence.
01 and 08/11/2011 | Training in Intervention in cases of Family Violence for the health team of the Municipality of San Martín.
06 and 12/13/2011 | 2nd Training in Intervention in cases of Family Violence for the health team of the Municipality of San Martín.
07/2011 | Interdisciplinary Training Course on Gender Violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents.
08 and 09/2011 | Training Seminars "Gender violence and sexual abuse of daughters and sons"
Speakers: Lic. Graciela Ferreira, Dr. Carlos Rosansky, Lic. Alicia Ganduglia; Lic. Ruth Teubal
01/15/2011 | Inaugural class given by Lic. Ruth Teubal, “The experience of mothers with children who are victims of incest”, in the Master's Degree in Bad Treatment and Gender Violence at UNED (National Distance Education University), Madrid.
05/21/2011 | Closing class by Dr. Fernanda Tarica "Gender violence and the quality of health services", in the Master's Degree in Bad Treatment and Gender Violence at UNED (National Distance Education University). Madrid.
10/27/2011 | 9th Day of study and reflection "Gender violence and mistreatment of girls, boys and adolescents, tools for prevention".
07/5/2010 | Seminar "Men before the Exercise of Violence" by Lic. Juan Guillermo Figueroa.
04/24/2010 | Readings in the postgraduate course in Family Violence at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires. Topic: Boys and girls victims of gender violence. Speakers: Dra. Diana Rosenhek and Dra. Fernanda Tarica.
05/03/2010 | Lectured by Dr. Fernanda Tarica and Lic. Ruth Teubal in the postgraduate course on Family Violence at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires. Topic: Boys and girls victims of gender violence.
04/6/2010 | Seminar "Paternities in transformation" by Hugo Huberman.
06/2010 | Training Course "Approaches and intervention in cases of mistreatment of girls and boys"
06/01/2010 | Lectured by Dr. Diana Rosenhek and Dr. Fernanda Tarica in the Introduction to Family Violence Course of the Social Work Career at the University of Buenos Aires.
02/7/2010 | Gender Violence Prevention Seminar "Gender Perspective and Psychoanalysis" by Juan Carlos Volnovich.
08/06/2010 | Seminar "Gender Violence and the media" by Luis María Otero.
8/30/2010 | 8th Day of study and reflection "Girls and boys witnesses, victims of gender violence".
9/2010 | Course "Models and effective tools for the treatment of abused children" by Dr. Diana Rosenhek.
09/24/2010 | Lectured by Dr. Fernanda Tarica and Lic. Ruth Teubal in the Family Violence Course. Topic: Boys and girls witnesses of domestic violence.
10/2010 | Course "The law as a tool for change in interventions as victims of family violence" by Dr. Diana Rosenhek.
21/2010 | Class "Gender violence and child witnesses" in the Pediatric Service of the Bernardo Houssay Hospital.
11/6/2009 | 7th Day of study and reflection “Child sexual abuse. The victim and the linking context ”.
7/2009 | Training course: "Approaches and intervention in cases of mistreatment of girls and boys". Coordinated by Dr. Irene Intebi.
7/2009 | Training course: "Models and effective tools for the treatment of child abuse" Coordinated by Lic. Sandra Baita and Lic. Sandra Moreno.
11/19/2009 | Legal Training Workshop "The scope of civil and criminal jurisdiction against complaints of child sexual abuse and domestic violence."
7/2008 | Training Course: "Approach and intervention in cases of mistreatment of girls and boys".
4/17/2008 | 4th Day of study and reflection "Abusive Relationships in Dating".
7/2008 | 1st Training Workshop on Family Violence “Sexual abuse in childhood. Study of cases". Coordinated by Lic. Patricia Visir.
7/29/2008 | 5th Day of study and reflection “Sexual abuse in childhood. Answers to the most frequent questions ”.
8/2008 | 2nd Training Workshop on Family Violence "Suspicion of Sexual Abuse of Girls and Boys". Study of cases. Coordinated by Dr. Irene Intebi.
10/2008 | Introductory course on Family Violence aimed at I.O.S.E professionals (8 meetings)
11/17/2008 | 6th Day of study and reflection "Approach to battered women and contributions of Victimology".
8/16/2007 | 2nd Day of study and reflection “The forgotten victims of conjugal violence. Children witnesses of
11/29/2007 | 3rd Day of study and reflection “Sexual abuse in childhood. Impact on adult life ”.
11/23/2006 | 1st Day of study and reflection "The law as a tool for change".
(011) 4701 5890
+54 9 11 4940-7973
Monday from 13.00 to 19.00
from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 to 19.00 hs.
Bonpland 723, CABA, Argentina.
Advice, guidance, information and support for women victims of violence.
Attention and orientation to victims of violence. It carries out home interventions with a mobile team in emergency situations and accompaniment in making complaints.
102 - CABA
Information and referrals in situations of mistreatment and sexual abuse of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
Receive complaints of domestic violence 24 hours a day.
Address: Lavalle 1250.
(011) 4701 5890
+54 9 11 4940-7973
Monday from 13.00 to 19.00
from Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00 to 19.00 hs.
Bonpland 723, CABA, Argentina.
Advice, guidance, information and support for women victims of violence.
Attention and orientation to victims of violence. It carries out home interventions with a mobile team in emergency situations and accompaniment in making complaints.
102 - CABA
Information and referrals in situations of mistreatment and sexual abuse of Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
Receive complaints of domestic violence 24 hours a day.
Address: Lavalle 1250.